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2023 Fossil Fuel Finance White Paper





2023 Fossil Fuel Finance White Paper


The 2023 Fossil Fuel Finance White Paper, which analyzes the status of fossil fuel assets held by Korean financial institutions (both public and private), has been published for the second consecutive year following the inaugural 2022 Fossil Fuel Finance White Paper.

The paper analyzes responses from 130 public and private financial institutions in Korea, providing insights into the current state of fossil fuel financing among these institutions. The findings aim to actively support the government in formulating policies for phase-out fossil fuels and assist financial institutions in managing climate-related risks.




Kim Young-Ho  Chairman of the Korea Sustainability Investing Forum

Yang YiWonyoung  Member of 21st National Assembly


Understanding the Fossil Fuel Industry


Fossil Fuel Finance of Korean Financial Institutions

1 Comprehensive Analysis of Fossil Fuel Finance

2 Comprehensive Analysis of Coal Finance

3 Comprehensive Analysis of Oil and Natural Gas Finance

4 Comprehensive Analysis of Korean Natural Gas Finance


Financial Climate Risk Managemnet

1 Climate Risk Management Begins: Risk Identification

2 Climate Risk Management Implementation: Coal/Fossil Fuel Phase-out Finance


Investment Trend of Korean Renewable Energy Finance

Renewable Energy vs. Fossil Fuels: The Trend of New Investments



1 Top 5 Financial Institutions by Sector Based on Total Fossil Fuel

2 Current Status of Coal and Fossil Fuel Net-Zero Goals

3 Status of the Membership of Net-Zero and Climate Finance Initiatives


 <2023 화석연료금융 국문본 보러가기> 




Inquiries: Senior Researcher Song, Myungeun(mileysong@kosif.org), Senior Researcher Park, Namyoung(nypark@kosif.org)

첨부파일[KoSIF] 2023 Fossil Fuel Finance White Paper(EN).pdf