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한국사회책임투자포럼은 ESG를 고려하는 사회책임투자(SRI) 촉진과

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기여하고자 2007년 설립된 비영리 기관입니다.

ESG 연구를 기반으로 한 입법지원, 정책개발, 관여활동, 캠페인과 홍보 등

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2022 White Paper on Fossil Fuel Finance





2022 White Paper on Fossil Fuel Finance

Discussing Fossil Fuel Finance Beyond Coal


The first Korea Fossil Fuel Finance White Paper analyzing the current state of fossil fuel financing by Korean financial institutions has been published. Thus far, only the extent of coal financing had been estimated; this is the first time that the extent of oil and natural gas financial assets has been determined.


The total assets of domestic financial institutions (public and private) in fossil fuel finance were KRW 118.5 trillion (as of June 30, 2022). Of these, coal assets amounted to KRW 56.5 trillion and natural gas and oil to KRW 62 trillion.




Youngho Kim Chairman, KoSIF

YANG YI Won Young Trade, Industry, Energy, SMEs, and StartUps Committee,

Member of the National Assembly


I. Understanding the fossil fuel industry

- Trends of fossil fuel consumption

- Directions of Korean energy policies

II. Fossil fuel finance of Korean financial institutions

- Comprehensive analysis of fossil fuel finance

- Comprehensive analysis of coal finance

- Comprehensive analysis of natural gas & oil finance

III. Management of climate risk in finance

- Coal Phase-out finance and net-zero

IV. Ten Years of renewable energy finance in Korea

- Comparison of renewable energy with coal investment

V. Conclusion

Inquiries: Namyoung Park Senior Researcher (nypark@kosif.org), Mina Kim researcher (mina0219@kosif.org)

첨부파일2022 White Paper on Fossil Fuel Finace_Korea_EN.pdf