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한국사회책임투자포럼은 ESG를 고려하는 사회책임투자(SRI) 촉진과

기업의 사회적 책임(CSR) 장려를 통해 지속가능한 사회 건설에

기여하고자 2007년 설립된 비영리 기관입니다.

ESG 연구를 기반으로 한 입법지원, 정책개발, 관여활동, 캠페인과 홍보 등

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국내외 투자자, 시민사회, 정부, 국회 등과 협력하고 있습니다.

South Korea's PPA System: Status and Opportunities for Renewable Energy Development





South Korea's PPA System: Status and Opportunities for Renewable Energy Development


A research report analyzing the current status and challenges of Korea's renewable energy PPA system, offering short- and long-term policy recommendations through a comparison with overseas PPA support systems.


Table of Contents

1.         Overview of the Current Status and Issues of South Korea's Renewable Energy PPA Scheme

1.1       Literature Review and Research Objective

1.2       Status of South Korea's Renewable Energy PPA Scheme

1.3       Regulatory Challenges in Direct Procurement of Supplementary Supply by RE100 Demand-Side Companies

1.4       Analysis of Structural Issues in South Korea's Power Market and Electricity Tariff Determination

2.         Comparative Analysis with PPA Schemes Overseas

2.1       Analysis of Participation Methods of RE Providers in Wholesale Power Markets

2.2       Global Case Studies on Support Mechanisms to Stimulate PPA Schemes

3.         Policy Recommendations and Detailed Improvements of Regulations

3.1       Overview of KPX’s Domestic Wholesale Power Market System Reform Plan

3.2       Suggestion of a Short-Term Improvement Plan for South Korea's Renewable Energy PPA Scheme

3.3       Proposal of Wholesale Power Market Reform Directions to Ensure the Utility of the Renewable Energy PPA Scheme

Inquiries: Seung Youn Seo Researcher (syseo@kosif.org)